In these personalized sessions I meet you exactly where you are to give you the tools to achieve the transformation you're seeking. 

Examples of Customized Sessions:


Self Centering

In these sessions, I teach you simple steps to feel Balanced and Empowered within yourself. You will get to know Who You Really Are on a deeper level. I'll show you the simplest way to Meditate Deeply and give you the ability to Make Clearer Decisions in your life as you connect with the Deep Wisdom of your body.


Rewire Your Nervous System

In these sessions I teach you to work directly with your Nervous System to access the Wisdom of our body's design to help you to Decrease Stress, Heal Trauma, Improve Focus, Decrease Pain, and bring more Peace into your daily life. 


The Nature of Spirit

In these sessions I teach you to deepen your relationship with Divinity and expand your meditation or prayer practice, whether you've done it for years or are just beginning. You'll experience expanded consciousness and perceptual awareness and learn to receive the support of the natural and spiritual world within and around you. You'll deepen your own relationship to Spirit and the higher power you believe in to access true Oneness.

1:1 Sessions

Frequently Asked Questions

The information on this website is intended to supplement, not replace, the advice of your personal trained health professional. If you know or suspect that you have a health problem, consult your personal health professional.